


True Movement Platform

The True Movement Method is a full body movement system that focuses on enhancing performance, restoring posture and increasing mobility. At the heart of all True Movement Platform sessions we are finding the balance between length and strength. Creating a strong and stable body on center and then teaching your body how to move off center and create space without sacrificing the stabilization. It’s through these weight shifting movements that we build strength.

True movement session 7

Increase Mobility

True movement session 2

Enhance Performance

True movement session 5

Restore Posture

Group Class

Youth Class


To book a semi-private class, please contact us at (780) 514-4483


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Everybody needs True Movement! The True Movement Platform is good for all ages and physical capabilities. Although for youth clients we recommend that they be over 70lbs. Whether you are an athlete looking for conditioning or you are looking to rehab a part of your body or you want to work on your mobility each True Movement Platform session will be tailored to your personal needs.

  • You can book right here on the website. You can also email or you can call (780) 712 3786.

  • Wear something comfortable and easy to move around in. You can either go in bare feet or socks.

  • All True Movement Platform sessions are fully guided by a qualified and experienced True Movement Instructor.

  • There are 5 platforms available per session. We also offer private and semi-private sessions.

  • No! We recommend your first session be a private session to get yourself comfortable with the platform but this is not mandatory. You can hop in a group session at any time.

More questions? Reach out!